Style Manual

Style Manual

Let me start off by saying this manual is a living document.  The version you are looking at now will be edited, added to, and deleted from according to rule changes, common practices, and preferences.  In addition, any questions reporters bring to Teresa’s attention may prompt changes to the manual.  There is no possible I thought of everything or included everything that will be helpful to a reporter.   By working and producing transcripts, encountering new problems and situations, the manual will require continuous editing.

The manual was created from a series of documents provided to me by Realtime Reporters, along with reviewing transcripts from multiple reporters, and speaking with attorneys about their preferences.   We made some changes to the original styles Realtime Reporters used, but most were kept the same.

The goal of the manual was to create a user-friendly document that reporters could easily review and reference while they were creating their transcript.   By following the styles in the manual, this allows for all transcripts produced by Realtime Reporters to be uniform.   As a result, the end user, the attorney, will have more consistent documents, especially when there have been  multiple reporters producing transcripts in one case.

Teresa and I have been friends for a long time, and have worked together for many years.   I will continue to work on this manual for her long after this internship has concluded and hopefully the manual will continue to grow and be even more useful for reporters.